Asia Oceania Geosciences Society and American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly 2012

Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) and American Geophysical Union (AGU) will hold a joint assembly August 13-17, 2012 on Sentosa Island, Singapore.

Abstracts are invited for this session:

Session IWG10 – Concatenated Hazards and Disasters

This session will concentrate on situations where one extreme event precipitates one or more other extreme events. The example is the earthquake/tsunami/nuclear accident in Japan. The session will include topics such as earthquakes and tsunamis; extreme events and climate change; heat waves, air pollution and mortality.

Abstract submission deadline is March 12, 2012.

Please submit via:

The conveners for this session will be pleased to answer any queries.

Dr Tom Beer
Research Program Leader: Climate Variability and Change Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research (CAWCR) CSIRO; PB1, Aspendale, Vic. 3195 AUSTRALIA

Vasily V. Titov
NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
7600 Sand Point Way NE, Bldg.3
Seattle, WA 98115-6349