Workshop on Mathematics of climate change, related hazards and risks

Organized as part of the global program Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013, the workshop will take place at Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas (CIMAT) in Guanajuato, Mexico during July 29 – August 2, 2013 and will be a satellite of the 2013 Mathematical Congress of the Americas.

This 5-day workshop will bring together about 40 early career scientists, mainly from Central and Southern America, and nine distinguished scientists, each of whom will give several lectures on chosen topic. The workshop format will provide ample time for personal and group discussions and topical round tables to facilitate networking across the central themes of Natural Hazards research.

The extended deadline for application to this workshop is 30 April, 2013.

The workshop is sponsored by the three Unions: the International Mathematical Union, the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, the International Council for Industrial and Applied Mechanics, and by the Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas.

It is supported by The International Council of Science (ICSU) Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, by two interdisciplinary bodies of ICSU, namely IRDR (Integrated Research on Disaster Risk) and WCRP (World Climate Research Programme), by the US National Academy of Sciences, and by the Academia Mexicana de Ciencias.

Organizers: José Antonio de la Peña (CIMAT), Christiane Rousseau (IMU), Susan Friedlander (IMU), Ilya Zaliapin (IUGG) and Paul F. Linden (IUTAM).

Download the workshop poster

For more information, please go to Mathematical Congress of the Americas (MCA) website.