IRDR Contributes to Discussions on UN Sustainable Development Goals

An ad hoc working group comprising several members of the IRDR Science Committee (SC) and experts associated with the Programme, prepared a brief to inform the discussions of the United Nations General Assembly Open Working Group (OWG) on Sustainable Development Goals. The OWG will hold its seventh session in New York, from 6-10 January 2014.

Issue Brief: Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development

The brief addresses the increasing recognition on the part of governments that the reduction of disaster risks is a foundation for successful sustainable development, and that disaster risk is a crosscutting issue, requiring action across multiple sectors. Read the full brief here [PDF 693 KB].

The IRDR’s brief is the first background document to appear within the disaster risk reduction cluster ahead of the OWG’s Seventh Session.

For more information about the UN Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals visit the UN’s Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform.