Vacancy: Post-Doctoral Research Associate for Review of FORIN Studies

  • Application deadline: 20 February 2014
  • Salary: £33,967 – £39,705
  • Post duration: 24 months

Prof Mark Pelling, lecturer in the Department of Geography at King’s College London (KCL) and IRDR Science Committee (SC) Member, is looking for a Post-Doctoral Research Associate to work alongside him on an EU, FP7 funded research project, entitled PEARL (Preparing for extreme and rare events in coastal regions). The post will include undertaking a review of methods and outcomes for existing FORIN studies working with IRDR, as well as to manage day-to-day research activities.

In collaboration with other PEARL partners, especially the United Nations University – Environment and Human Security, the researcher will undertake a wider theoretical review to help develop the analytical framework for PEARL. This will focus on linkages between coastal hazard risk management, coastal development, local government and governance and other factors shaping the distribution of power and influence, including information production and distribution, that determine the geography of vulnerability and loss.

The post will be located within King’s Centre for Integrated Research on Risk and Resilience within the Department of Geography on the Strand Campus, which is sited next to the River Thames in the heart of London (

PEARL is an integrated and comparative, international research project working closely with decision-makers across Europe and beyond to derive coproduced approaches and outputs. Through this approach PEARL will help to better understand decision-making for coastal risk management in developed coasts.

Detailed information about this position is available at: