(Please click the link above to download the Conference Summary)
IRDR Science Committee Members and Ex-Officio Members.
Over 200 delegates attended the IRDR Conference from 54 countries.
Philippine Senator Loren LEGARDA gave the Keynote Speech “From Knowledge to Practice: Building Back Stronger after Haiyan with the Aid of Science”.
The Opening Ceremony included speeches from Qin ZHANG (CAST), Huadong GUO (RADI,CAS), Steven WILSON (ICSU), Feng Min KAN (UNISDR), Hanlin LI (CASS for ISSC).Over 30 early career scientists brought fresh and dynamic ideas into the IRDR Conference. In this photo are the delegates from the TWAS – CAS Breakout Session.Twenty breakout sessions were scheduled for the IRDR Conference 2014 from 7 – 9 June.