In a coordinated and nation-wide exercise, and underpinning a process of revising and restructuring processes and institutional responsibilities aimed to provide prevention and response services, Brazilian researchers involved in disaster risk reduction and civil protection have developed, over the last few months, a broad research agenda.

Through an open and participatory process, the work of the Research Network on DRR is part of a wider exercise aimed at generating involvement and ideas from all stakeholders in society.
In late April, a workshop convened by the National Office for civil protection and civil defense at Petropolis (Rio de Janeiro), had brought together 51 researchers from across the country and with backgrounds in a wide array of scientific disciplines. With organisational support from UNISDR and UNDP, FIOCRUZ, SEDEC and MRE-CGFOME, a strong group could be gathered composed of DRR researchers and directors of existing and emerging university-based CEPEDs, as well as representatives from the relevant ministries and other professionals. The meeting also saw the participation of REDULAC/RRD (Network of academic researchers from Latin America and the Caribbean involved in disaster risk and emergency research).
The workshop produced recommendations and voluntary commitments related to the revision and renewal of the Hyogo Framework for Action, input for the national consultation processon DRR as well as agreements for the further consolidation of the Brazilian Network of DRR Researchers itself.
This specific exercise for the scientific community is part of a deliberate effort to be as inclusive as possible in the development of new policies; this is why a variety of fora had been opened, in the course of the summer, to create opportunities for all citizens to have their say. Consultations were held at municipal, metropolitan and regional, level, as well as through open and virtual fora. It is expected that this process will generate a participation of some 1,800 actors and delegates from all sectors of civil society at the national conference which will be held at the end of the year.