100 Resilient Cities, a project by The Rockefeller Foundation, seeks to find 100 cities that are ready to build resilience to the social, economic, and physical challenges that cities face in an increasingly urbanized world.
By 22 August 2014 (5pm EDT), interested parties wishing to take part in the 2014 challenge can register to join the second annual 100 Resilient Cities Challenge Question and Answer session. The session will be held on Thursday, August 28 from 8am to 9am EDT in the form of a telephone conference hosted by the “100 Resilient Cities” project. It provides potential participants the opportunity to ask questions about this year’s challenge entry form, process, and benefits to becoming part of the 100RC network.

The thinking behind the project has been summarized as follows: “We can’t predict the next disruption or catastrophe. But we can control how we respond to these challenges. We can adapt to the shocks and stresses of our world and transform them into opportunities for growth. If your city applies for the 100 Resilient Cities Challenge, it could be one of 100 cities eligible to receive funding to hire a Chief Resilience Officer, assistance in developing a resilience strategy, access to a platform of innovative private and public sector tools to help design and implement that strategy, and membership in the 100 Resilient Cities Network.”
Interested parties are invited to submit a single, priority question prior to the call so they can be addressed comprehensively during the session. Next to English, questions can be asked in Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Russian, or Spanish; translated transcripts will be posted on the Challenge site in each of these languages. Those unable to attend the Q&A session can refer to the comprehensive FAQ available in all seven languages on the 100 Resilient Cities Challenge site or reach out to the project’s Community Manager.
To know more: http://www.100resilientcities.org/pages/100-resilient-cities-challenge