The Canadian Risk and Hazards (Knowledge and Practice) Network, a member of IRDR Canada, held its 11th Annual Canadian Risk and Hazards Network Symposium on 22-24 October 2014 in Toronto, Canada, following the 5th Annual Roundtable on Canada’s Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, which was convened on 21 October 2014.
The very rich programme of the meeting comprised also a plenary session with the participation of IRDR’s Ian Burton entitled “The Forensic Revolution and Post-2015”. The program of the 11th Symposium had been designed to appeal to people from all disciplines and sectors (private, academia, government, community, and voluntary agencies) whether they are working at local, national or international levels, just as the network itself aims to bring together everyone who has an interest in the cross-sectoral, multiple dimensions of risk management and disaster reduction. The symposium emphasized the need for advancing interdisciplinary approaches that will reach out to all parties that have an interests in risk mitigation and management.
In keeping with the specificities of IRDR Canada and of the Canadian institutional framework for DRM and DRR, the sessions went beyond the core thematic aspects of IRDR and also themes such as “Cyber security risks and emergencies” and “Managing North/Arctic hazards and risks”. Among the many sessions, a session dedicated to “ Aboriginal disaster resilience in Canadian and international contexts” was of special interest for IRDR’s activities under RIA.
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