DRR Training for teachers in South-Eastern Europe

The “Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative for South Eastern Europe” or DPPI SEE, headquartered in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) organized a Disaster Risk Reduction for Teachers Training Course under its twinning mode of event profiles. Following the success of the DPPI SEE Disaster Risk Reduction project (2009 – 2012), the National Protection and Rescue Directorate of the Republic of Croatia presented this event as the Croatian and Slovenian contribution to the Disaster Management Training Programme for 2014 of the Initiative. The event was convened in Tuhelj, Croatia, on 28 August to 1 September 2014.

The course provided basic information on DRR concepts and guidance, including the Hyogo Framework for Action, as well as in depth orientation on the Priority 3 of the Framework. The Course aimed at helping teachers develop an understanding of the link between DRR and everyday lessons and give them an opportunity to practice the acquired knowledge. It could build upon participants’ existing knowledge in a way that they allowed participants to relate DRR issues in practical terms to their day-to-day work in schools and implement important information on DRR into their lectures. Participants were based in seven (out of nine) DPPI SEE member countries (Albania, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey).

More information is available on the website, notably The Course Outline and the Report on the Event.