Call for Applications: TWAS Visiting Expert Programme

The TWAS Visiting Expert Programme supports visits of internationally renowned scientists to institutions located in developing countries, especially those located in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs).

The objective of the programme is to provide institutions and research groups in developing countries, especially those with limited outside contacts, with the opportunity to establish long-term links with world leaders in science and so help develop capacity-building in their country. Under the programme, prospective host institutions can invite internationally renowned experts in areas of science other than mathematics and physics to collaborate in research and training.

The visit should have a minimum stay of two weeks at the host institution.

TWAS will cover the cost of the air ticket and will provide an honorarium of USD 500, while the host institution is expected to cover local expenses.

TWAS, the world academy of sciences – for the advancement of science in developing countries – – is a global science academy based in Trieste, Italy, working to advance science and engineering for sustainable prosperity in the developing world. Since 1986, TWAS has been supporting scientists and institutions in developing countries through a wide range of programmes that focus on scientific capacity building.

The administration and financial operation of TWAS is undertaken by UNESCO in accordance with an agreement between UNESCO and the Italian Government for TWAS.

For more information on TWAS Visiting Expert Programme, click here.