20 World Social Science Fellows to take part in Sustainable Urbanisation Seminar in Taipei

Twenty talented early career scientists were selected as World Social Science Fellows to take part in the second in a series on Sustainable Urbanisation in Taipei, Taiwan from 2 to 8 November 2014.

The seminar is being organised by the ISSC in collaboration with the IRDR-ICoE, Academia Sinica and National Taipei University, in partnership with the Comparative Research Programme on Poverty (CROP) and the Urbanization and Global Environmental Change project (International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change, IHDP). The event aims to contribute to the development of innovative research agendas emphasizing multidimensional and interdisciplinary approaches.

The seminar will partially take place in parallel to the Urbanization and Global Environmental Change project (UGEC) international conference on Urban Transitions and Transformations. UGEC’s conference seeks to synthesize current knowledge of the bidirectional interactions between urbanization and global environmental change and to identify transformative pathways in current and future urbanization. Some sessions of that conference will be part of the WSS Fellows seminar programme, providing the Fellows access to cutting – edge research on relevant dimensions of sustainable urbanization and to a diverse pool of international researchers. The purpose of the seminar is to produce one or more articles on new paths for research on transformations to sustainability in urban contexts.

The first two days of the seminar will initiate the discussion on the construction of multidimensional approaches for urban sustainability. For the next few days, the Fellows will continue their joint work and also attend a few selected sessions from the UGEC conference, which should serve as direct input to their joint reflection. The last day of the seminar will be dedicated to finalize the work on the article(s) and identify the next steps leading to publication.

To view the profiles of World Social Science Fellows who will take part in the Sustainable Urbanisation seminar, click here.