“Linked Open Data for Global Disaster Risk Research”: CODATA Task Group at SciData Conference 2014

The International Conference on Data Sharing and Integration for Global Sustainability (SciDataCon) is motivated by the conviction that the most significant research challenges – and in particular the pressing issues relating to global sustainability – cannot be properly addressed without due attention to various issues relating to data.

The Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) and the World Data System (WDS), interdisciplinary committees of the International Council for Science (ICSU) are together advancing this agenda by actively promoting effective data policies and good data management practices in the research community, to produce better science, which ultimately benefits society.

The CODATA Task Group “Linked Open Data for Global Disaster Risk Research” (LODGD) is one of the sets of contributions from disaster risk science related fields of endeavor. Approved by the CODATA 28th General Assembly in 2012 and chaired by Guoqing LI from IRDR host organisation RADI (Chinese Academy of Sciences), LODGD studies the mechanism for connecting disaster-related data to enable easier and faster discovery and access, and significantly reduce the barriers that researchers are facing today. Next to members of the IRDR Working Group DATA, this initiative also includes IRDR SC member Susan Cutter.

Towards the end of 2014, a white paper will be released that will offer an assessment of the current state of integrative utilization of distributed disaster datasets, technical and policy requirements for such use, challenges and potential implementations. Workshops will be organized to gather community input, define the scope of work and encourage community involvement.


SciDataCon aims to make explicit the connection between concrete and specific challenges to ensure environmental protection, economic prosperity and social well being along with the research questions that arise from these challenges and the necessary role of data policy, management and analysis in addressing these research questions. The effectiveness and credibility of research findings rely on the widest possible availability of quality-assessed and interoperable datasets.

Addressing the theme of Data Sharing and Integration for Global Sustainability, SciDataCon 2014 featured four main tracks: (A) Dynamic Planet, (B) Global Development, (C) Transformations Towards Sustainability, and (D) Data Science and Services.

SciData Con took place on 2–5 November 2014 in New Delhi, India, and hosted by the Indian National Science Academy. SciDataCon provides a unique platform that brings together international experts and practitioners in data sciences, technologies and management; researchers from the natural, social, health, and computer sciences; research funders and sponsors; and policy makers and advisors.

More details: http://www.scidatacon2014.org/