Early Career Scientists are invited to submit applications to participate in next year’s Future Earth Young Scientist Networking Conference on Integrated Science. The Future Earth Young Scientists Networking Conference on Integrated Science discussing the theme of “Future Sustainability — the role of Science in the SDGs” will take place at Villa Vigoni, the German-Italian Centre for Cultural and Scientific Exchange at Lake Como in Italy, from 24-30 May, 2015.

The International Social Science Council (ISSC), International Council for Science (ICSU), the German Research Foundation (DFG) are inviting applications for participation by early career scientists.
Closing date for applications: December 22, 2014.
The Networking Conference is open to post-doctoral researchers interested in integrated science and the collaboration between the social and the natural sciences. The conference will bring together senior and leading scientists and researchers with a diversity of perspectives to identify top priority questions for future research on the topic. They will provide not only a chance to fully realise the overview of the state of the art in the topic/field, but also to interact and network with leading thinkers — forging new collaborations, and fostering new compelling integrated science.
During this week 30 excellent young scientists from across the globe will meet in Villa Vigoni with an interdisciplinary team of leading senior scientists to advance integrative research and knowledge on societies’ transition towards a green economy. See Report: Future Earth Young Scientist Networking Conference on Integrated Science
Download the call for applications. Please submit all applications by email in a single pdf file to: netconf@worldsocialscience.org