The Outcomes Report of the 5th International Disaster and Risk Conference IDRC Davos 2014 which was held from 24 -28 August in Davos, Switzerland is now available for download and consists of two major parts. Download the report
Part I provides a summary of the findings of the post-conference expert workshop with focus on science and technology, education and training, and implementation (workshop participants are listed in the annex part III).
The considerations and recommendation on science and technology, education and training and implementation within the post 2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction all centre on the individual which needs to be protected from adverse events. This protection is guaranteed if the basic human rights of each individual are provided. This is on the one hand the responsibility of the state but also of the respective service providers. Science and technology, education and training and implementation processes should all focus on the provision of these basic human rights towards the individual, and by the demands of the individual for these rights and services.
Part II shows all the various comments which have been provided by the IDRC Davos 2014 participants to the pre-zero and the zero draft concept. The comments are listed according to the numbering used in the existent zero draft. Many comments are very much in-line with the existent draft and might also serve for confirmation purposes of the existent zero draft.
The outcomes of the IDRC Davos 2014 shall serve as a science & technology input for the post-2015 framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (HFA2) and provide recommendations towards the UN World Conference WCDRR in Sendai, Japan.
The next IDRC Davos conference will be held from 28 Aug. – 1st Sept. 2016.
More information:
IDRC Davos 2014: Presentations , Proceedings, Photos