The 2015 Advanced Institute (AI) on Disaster Risk Reduction and Loss Mitigation (20-25 April 2015) will provide approximately 15-20 young to middle-career researchers and practitioners from Southeast Asia with the enhanced understanding; skills and practical knowledge to reduce disaster risk and mitigate disaster losses in their own countries. The 6-day, intensive training event is hosted and organized by the IRDR International Center of Excellence (IRDR-ICoE in Taipei, Taiwan, in partnership with START, the International Council for Sciences ICSU and IRDR.

This year’s AI will have the following themes:
- Integrative Risk Management
- Disaster typologies and approaches, tools and systems for risk and loss reduction (Earthquake Risk and Loss Reduction, Hydrometeorological disasters: Risk and Loss Reduction)
- Socio-economic aspects of disasters
- Recovery and Reconstruction after Disasters
- Policy and planning in disaster risk and loss reduction
The sessions will include lectures by eminent scholars and practitioners in disaster risk reduction and management, hands-on interactive exercises, trainee panels, and field visits. All participants will conceptualize an individual or collaborative project, to be presented in plenary session at the conclusion of the Advanced Institute, which may later be submitted for competitive funding to support follow-on research activities. Travel support is available for those individuals selected to participate and will include round-trip economy class airfare, accommodations and modest daily subsistence while in Taipei.
How to apply:
Individuals from Southeast Asia who are interested to participate in the 2015 Advanced Institute on Disaster Risk Reduction and Loss Mitigation, should submit the following materials to the IRDR ICoE (Taipei) and START no later than Friday, February 20, 2015:
- Participation Statement (2 pages maximum) that clearly articulates
a. Why the applicant desires to participate in the Institute;
b. Relevant background knowledge and experience that the applicant can share with other institute participants, including one or more of the themes of the Advanced Institute outlined above;
c. Current projects, activities and responsibilities in which the applicant is involved that are applicable to and might benefit from training in disaster risk reduction research; and
d. Any unique ideas, skills and/or foreseeable opportunities for advancing follow-on activities subsequent to institute participation, including the identification of potential partner organizations. - Updated Curriculum Vitae or résumé for the applicant.
Both documents should be submitted by email to Senay Habtezion at START at and the IRDR ICoE at Applications that are not received, in full or in part, by the deadline stipulated above will not be considered for participation. Applicants will be informed of participant selection by February 27,2015.
For More Information
Questions about the Advanced Institute on Disaster Risk Reduction and Loss Mitigation or this Call for Applications may be directed to Senay Habtezion at START at or the IRDR ICoE at
IRDR is co-sponsored by the International Council for Science (ICSU), the International Social Science Council and the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR).