(Sendai, Japan, 14 March 2015) The United Nations (UN) Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, opened the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (3rd WCDRR) today, welcoming an estimated 4,000 participants to what he described as “the highest-level meeting on disaster risk reduction in history.”
The Conference will last until 18 March 2015, during which time, among other objectives, the assessment and review of the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action will be completed; and a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction will be adopted.
Conference Segments
The Conference has three main segments, namely the:
- Intergovernmental segment: this segment includes nine plenary sessions in which national delegations will have the opportunity to deliver five-minute official statements; opening and closing ceremonies; five ministerial round-tables, which will provide an opportunity for focused discussions among ministers and high level representatives on key priorities and actions in support of a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction; and three high-level multi-stakeholder partnership dialogues to provide opportunities for interactive discussions on key priorities, commitments and actions in support of a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction.
- Multi-Stakeholder segment: this segment takes place for the duration of the Conference and includes working sessions, IGNITE Stage presentations, study tours and excursions.
- Public Forum: this segment takes place for the duration of the Conference and consists of a large range of side events, exhibition booths, poster exhibitions and other activities at venues throughout Sendai City.
The Conference’s programme can be found here.

IRDR, represented by several members from its Science Committee (SC) and International Programme Office (IPO), is in attendance at the Conference under the umbrella of the Scientific and Technological Community Major Group (STMG). The Programme has been playing a leading role for the STMG delegation during the preparatory process, and continues to do so for the 3rd WCDRR on behalf of the International Council for Sciences (ICSU), the Organising Partner for the science and technology global community. IRDR will also be hosting a side event during the Public Forum to showcase the accomplishments of the programme during its five years in existence.