On 1 June 2015, the IRDR Science Committee (SC), during the afternoon session of day one of its 13th meeting, approved designating a group of Iranian research institutes and scientific associations as the IRDR National Committee (NC) in Iran (IRDR Iran). IRDR Iran is the 10th NC under the programme.
The group comprises eight Iranian research institutes and scientific associations active and partly active in the field of disaster risk reduction and management. These are the:
- International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES)
- Iranian Earthquake Engineering Association (IEEA)
- Disaster Management Research Institute of Shakhesh Pajouh (DMRISP)
- Iranian Sociological Association (ISA)
- Water Research Institute (WRI)
- Iranian Water Resource Association (IR-WRA)
- Disaster and Emergency Health Department at Tehran University of Medical Science
- Tehran Disaster Management and Mitigation Organization (TDMMO)
IRDR Iran will work closely with three of IRDR’s four core projects: DATA, FORIN and RIA. Prof. Mohsen Ghafory-Ashtiany, founder of IIES, is the coordinator for IRDR Iran.
In approving the group’s designation as IRDR Iran, the SC members unanimously agreed that the expression of interest filled all the requirements stated in the Terms of Reference (ToRs) for IRDR NCs, including having:
- A good track record in, or commitment to, trans-disciplinary research related to disaster risk, combining social science, natural science, engineering as well as policy, etc.;
- Provision of unhindered access to researchers from participating countries and international visitors in region;
- Proven multi-national experience in research excellence related to disaster risk reduction;
- Internal capabilities to manage multi-national research teams; and
- Commitments to provide appropriate support (funding or in kind) for the national, regional and international components consistent with IRDR objectives.
To be considered as an IRDR NC, interested institutions should prepare an expression of interest, closely adhering to the guidelines in the ToRs, and submit to the IRDR IPO via email: connect@irdrinternational.org.