4th Asian Workshop on Psychological Intervention After Disasters 9-12 November 2015

PIADThe 4th International Workshop on Psychological Intervention After Disasters (PIAD) will be conducted in Taipei on 9-12 November 2015, and will be co-hosted by IRDR International Centre of Excellence (IRDR-ICoE) at the Academy of Sciences, located in Taipei.

Sponsored by the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS), the IRDR ICoE, the Centre for Applied Developmental Science of University of Jena, and the ICSU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific together with partners such as Jacobs Foundation, Chinese Psychological Society and the United Nations University International Institute for Global Health, the 4th International Workshop on Psychological Intervention After Disasters aims to:

  • present participants with the most recent scientific and applied scientific evidence and knowledge relevant for psychological intervention after disasters;
  • show the constraints and opportunities of working with particular target groups, such as children and adolescents;
  • provide knowledge for future inclusion in academic programs of psychology; and
  • help develop a regional network to support continuance in scientific research and training in mental health support following disasters.

The workshop will use existing IUPsyS experience and its access to international scientific and applied expertise on resilience in the face of stressful and traumatic events to help researchers, educators and practitioners in the Asia and the Pacific increase their understanding of and ability to respond to the mental health consequences of disasters in the Asia-Pacific region. It is intended for

  • Researchers, educators, and practitioners from across the entire Asia-Pacific region, who have an academic background, primarily in psychology and affiliated fields, and who are interested and experienced in work on disasters;
  • Psychologists who work with particular target groups, such as children and adolescents;
  • Young and early career scientists from Asian-Pacific countries.

The deadline for applications is 15 August 2015.

Announcement: 4th International Workshop on Psychological Intervention After Disasters

Application form