Stellenbosch University, a partner of the Periperi U consortium, will be hosting their well regarded Community Risk Assessment Short course. For more information and to register click here.
Key Content Areas:
- Role of CRA in development planning/ risk reduction
- Principles, practice and ethics of CRA
- Introduction to critical data sources for assessing risk
- Capturing and mapping spatial data using GPS
- Introduction to participatory CRA methods
- Conducting a preliminary scoping exercise
- Applied CRA: Fieldwork in an informal settlement
- Effective analysis/consolidation of CRA findings
- Effective communication of CRA findings
Key Outcomes:
- Demonstrated capacity to conduct a Community Risk Assessment as form of participatory action research.
- Strengthened understanding of role of community based disaster risk management in effective risk reduction and integrated development planning.
- Built capacity in core skills and knowledge areas underpinning risk assessment, application of appropriate assessment methods, collection of primary, secondary and spatial data.
- Strengthened skills in communicating risk assessment findings including community feedback, written reports and formal presentations.
- Certificate of competence awarded (NQF Level 6)