The ISSC, ECPR, and the University of Bergen are delighted to announce that the nomination process for the 2016 Stein Rokkan Prize for Comparative Social Science Research is now open. Stein Rokkan was a pioneer of comparative political and social science research, renowned for his ground-breaking work on the nation state and democracy. A brilliant researcher and a professor at the University of Bergen where he spent most of his career, Rokkan was also president of the International Social Science Council (ISSC), and one of the founders of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR).
Established by the ISSC in 1981, the Stein Rokkan Prize for Comparative Social Science Research celebrates his immense legacy by rewarding substantial and original contributions in comparative social science research. The Prize is managed by the ECPR and generously supported by the University of Bergen. A list of recent winners can be found on the ECPR’s website.
The prize is open to works in comparative studies from all social science disciplines. Nominated works can be an unpublished manuscript of book length, a monograph or collected works published no more than two years before the award year. The winner receives a diploma and a $5000 award, which is presented during an ISSC Executive Committee or General Assembly meeting, or at a World Social Science Forum.
Nominations should include details of the proposed work and recipient and come with a formal letter of support from the head of a research institution, university department or research centre. This should be sent by email to Marcia Taylor at before 15 February 2016. Further information can be found here.