Call for Submission of Case Studies on the role of S & T in Asia DRR

UNISDR Asia Pacific Office has formed the Asia Science Technology and Academia Advisory Group (ASTAAG) in May 2015 to facilitate active roles for Science and technology in DRR in Asian countries. ASTAAG is composed of 8 members from 7 Asian nations; they plan to publish the Asia Science Technology Status Report in the AMCDRR (Asia Ministerial Conference for DRR) in New Delhi in 2016. The status report will include a few country analyses and selected case studies / good practices for application of science technology in DRR.

Thus, ASTAAG is calling for good practices/ case studies for possible inclusion in the Asia Science Technology Status Report. Submission from wider stakeholders (not necessarily restricted to the science, technology, academia communities) is highly encouraged. All the submissions will be reviewed by at least two ASTAAG members on the eligibility to include in the status report.

Format: Total length of the case study/ good practice should be strictly limited to 1 page (A4 size), including diagrams or figures.  The submission should have following headings:

  1. About the project / initiative
  2. Contribution from Science and Technology
  3. How does the case contributes to implementation of SFDRR
  4. Contact details

Deadline: Submission by 31st of March 2016, Review by ASTAAG members: April-May 2016, Final acceptance: 15th of June 2016

Submission: Your submission should be send in MS WORD file to: Rajib Shaw ( and Takako Izumi (

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