TWAS Affiliated Membership 2016

TWAS Affiliated Membership 2016 Nominations/Applications Form

(to be typewritten in English)

Kindly read the information overleaf prior to completing the form.

  • A candidate can be proposed by a TWAS Fellow, an Associate Fellow or individual candidates should submit their own application.
  • The candidates must be 40 years old or less by January 1sty 2016.
  • The attached nomination form is to be completed in all its parts.
  • The deadline for receipt of forms is March 15st  2016.
  • Complete forms and enquiries should be directed to:
  • Nominations must be submitted in the following format:  aff_SURNAME_initial, eg aff_SILVA_m.doc
  1. Only those Young Scientists who have attained high international standard and have made significant contributions to the advancement of science will be considered as a candidate for TWAS Affiliated Members.
  2. The nomination for TWAS Affiliated Membership is a distinction and recognition for Talented Young Scientists who have their origin in Latin America and the Caribbean.
  3. The TWAS Affiliated Member may participate in TWAS meetings and  seminars promoted by TWAS / TWAS ROLAC, we expect that he/she collaborates with scientific information to TWAS ROLAC website, and contribute to the development of the  scientific community in the Region.
  4. The Affiliated membership will be for a period of 5 (five) years non- renewable.
  1. In In cases of omission, decisions will be made by the designated committee, and will be final.
  2. To ensure geographical balance, the Committee will avoid nominating more than one candidate from the same country,  but respecting the quality of the CVs, independently of the country.

Please download the application form here: twas affiliated member Nom_FORM_2016