1st Workshop to Strengthen Scientific Advisory Capacities for Disaster Risk Reduction was successfully held at National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT), Bangkok, Thailand, on 25th and 26th August 2016, co-organized by ICSU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ICSU ROAP), IRDR International Programme Office (IRDR IPO), The Academy of Sciences located in Taipei, IRDR ICoE-Taipei, and National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT). (View the notification before)
Here are the agenda with all the presentation files.
- Agenda of the Workshop
- Opening session
- Session 1: Experiences from National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction, Taipei
- Session 1: Experiences from IRDR Japan National Committee
- Session 1:Experiences from IRDR China National Committee
- Session 1: Experiences from Thailand
- Session 1: Experiences from UN-SPIDER (UN Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response)
- Session 2: Gaps and challenges of science based decision making:Bangladesh
- Session 2: Gaps and challenges of science based decision making: Fiji
- Session 2: Gaps and challenges of science based decision making: India
- Session 2: Gaps and challenges of science based decision making: Indonesia
- Session 2: Gaps and challenges of science based decision making: Iran
- Session 2: Gaps and challenges of science based decision making: Malaysia
- Session 3: Gaps and challenges of science based decision making: Myanmar
- Session 3: Gaps and challenges of science based decision making: Nepal
- Session 3: Gaps and challenges of science based decision making: Parkistan
- Session 3: Gaps and challenges of science based decision making: Philippines
- Session 3: Gaps and challenges of science based decision making: Sri Lanka
- Session 5: National Science Plan: contents, development and implementation strategy