IRDR Communication Strategy and IRDR ICoE Collaboration Plan Were Highlighted in 17th IRDR Scientific Committee Meeting

The 17th Meeting of the IRDR Scientific Committee was held in Cancun, Mexico on May 22-23. It was hosted by ICSU and co-organized by IRDR IPO.

The agenda of Day 1 was restricted to the SC members, the ex-officio and the IPO. The update of IRDR was presented. The IRDR strategy plan of action, governing structure and collaboration with significant programmes/organisations were discussed.

The agenda of Day 2 was opened to all.  A presentation of new ICoE: Transforming Development and Disaster Risk (ICoE-TDDR) was delivered. In the following items of agenda, ICoE collaboration and communication was pointed out being important for the future of IRDR.  Thematic groups were proposed to support ICoE collaboration.

The last item of 17th SC meeting is about the ‘Global Forum on Science and Technology for Disaster Resilience 2017’. The conference will be held by UNISDR, ICSU, IRDR and Science Council of Japan (SCJ).