Call for application– Training Workshop on Geohazards and Disaster Risk Reduction: Communicating with Stakeholders

The inaugural Malaysia Window to Cambridge at Univerisiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (MW2C@UKM) training workshop on “Geohazards and Disaster Risk Reduction: Communicating with Stakeholders” will be held in conjunction with the National Geoscience Conference 2017 (NGC 2017) organised by the Geological Society of Malaysia at Oct 10th-12th, 2017. The Centre for Southeast Asia Disaster Prevention Research Initiative (SEADPRI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia is one of IRDR ICoE.

The first day of the training workshop consists of regional presentations on geohazards, disaster risk reduction, engineering geology and rock mechanics. The second day of the workshop involves a field excursion that will start from Kuala Lumpur towards Tambun, Gunung Pass and Cameron Highlands. The focus will be on geohazards occurrence and geoheritage sites of interest. This will be followed by a session on communication for geohazards and disaster risk reduction, which will be held at Heritage Hotel in Cameron Highlands.

Applications are invited on a competitive basis for full sponsorship to attend the training in Malaysia. The eligibility of applicants is as follows:
– Below the age of 30
– Citizen of an ASEAN country
– Working with a geoscience-related institution
– Submit extended abstract (2-3 pages, with reference) by 31st July 2017
– Submit full paper by 15th September 2017
– Able to advance payment for air-fare and be reimbursed after the event

Submission of application form and extended abstract: 31st July 2017
Notification to applicant: 15th August 2017
Submission of full paper: 15th September 2017
For further information, please contact:
Mr. Lim Choun-Sian
Tel.: +6019 269 4050

[ TrainingBrochureFinal.pdf ]