IRDR ICoE-REaL delivered quarterly report and indicated the consortium’s reach and influence from ‘local to global’

This report describes the progress of the Periperi U Consortium of Universities from 01 April – 30 June 2017, as required in terms of USAID Agreement AID-OFDA-G-16-00115. It describes the consortium’s progress with specific reference to the eight key focus areas of the Periperi U programme. These eight key focus areas fall within two sub-sectors, namely: Global advocacy and engagement in disaster risk reduction – focus on higher education; Integration/Enhancement of DRR within Education and Research Programmes.

This report profiles an expanding port-folio of disaster risk research and extension initiatives beyond the scope of core disaster risk academic teaching – largely due to the restoration of regularised funding. It also reflects a diversifying array of partner collaborations that include other HEIs, as well as representatives of local and national government. A particular highlight for this reporting period was Periperi U’s attendance at the UNISDR Global Platform for DRR in Cancun, Mexico.
