IRDR young scientist Dr. Basanta Raj Adhikari from Tribhuvan Univeristy, Nepal has been attending the training programme on Major Natural Disaster Alleviation of the Belt and Road at the Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu, China. In this programme, IRDR Science Committee member Prof. Dr. Cui Peng has delivered a lecture entitled “Natural hazards risk control along the belt and road”. His talk was mostly focused on Belt and Road connectivity, natural disaster along the belt and road, mountain hazards under climate change, disaster risk and mitigation and international programme on Silk Road Disaster Risk Reduction (SiDRR).
Dr. Adhikari has discussed with Prof. Peng about the IRDR Young Scientist Programme and how to strengthen the relation between SC member and young scientists. They have shared their ideas about how to reduce the effect of natural hazards in the mountainous countries by developing some innovative imitations.
Many scientists, academicians, policy makers from Nepal, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Bhutan and Indonesia have been participating in this programme.