World Social Science Forum 2018 call for papers

The International Social Science Council (ISSC) has launched a call for papers for the 2018 World Social Science Forum, which takes place between 25-28 September 2018 in Fukuoka, Japan. The theme is “Security and Equality for Sustainable Futures”.


The growing complexity of the challenges facing societies worldwide has given rise to increasing concerns about security, across a range of different sectors. Life in the Anthropocene era is calling into question the sustainability of human activities, with critical implications for equity, and for food, water and energy security. From issues of freedom and democracy to cyber- and bio-warfare, the changing nature of conflict highlights the complexity and interrelatedness of old and new threats to human security. It is against this backdrop that Agenda 2030 sets out to ‘secure our planet’, while ensuring that ‘no-one will be left behind’.

Over the course of four days, Forum participants will examine various dimensions of security, interrogating how the demand for security relates to societies’ quest for equality and sustainability. Alongside leading plenary speakers, presenters will look into approaches, trends and responses from different sectors. The WSS Forum 2018 will identify critical research priorities on security, as well as data and knowledge gaps, globally and in specific regions.


The ISSC is pleased to invite submissions of individual abstracts for participation in panels or topical sessions at the Forum, and for posters. The list of panel sessions open for additional speakers can be found here, and topical sessions here.


All abstracts should be submitted by 31 March 2018.


Two grant programmes are available to support early-career researchers presenting at the Forum.


Download the full call for papers and submission guidelines.

For more information, please see the 2018 Forum website. The ISSC’s World Social Science Forum 2018 is hosted by Kyushu University, supported by Science Council of Japan (SCJ) and Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).


About the ISSC

The series of WSS Fora is one of the most prestigious scientific activities of the international Social Science Council (ISSC). At a recent joint meeting, the Members of the ISSC and of the International Council for Science (ICSU) decided to merge and form the International Science Council, a new, merged organization that aims to speak for the social and natural sciences at the global level. Under the auspices of the International Science Council (ISC), the 2018 Forum will provide an international platform for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research to contribute to transformations to a more sustainable world.