The 20th IRDR Scientific Committee Meeting was held on 15 Oct followed by the International Conference on Integrated Science & Technology Contributions for Informed National Policy-Making and Action for the Implementation of the Sendai Framework on 16-17 Oct in Chengdu.
Some IRDR young scientists participated the events and played important roles.
Atta-ur Rahman proposed to establish the IRDR International Centre of Excellence in Disasters and Climate Extremes (IRDR ICoE DCE). Sameer Deshkar proposed to establish the IRDR International Centre of Excellence in Resilient Communities & Settlements (IRDR ICoE RCS). Their proposals were approved in the 19th IRDR SC Meeting.
Irina Rafliana co-chaired the breakout session of Sendai New Hazards. She is also one of the focal points of IRDR National Committee Indonesia. Annisa Triyanti co-chair the breakout session of Review and contextualization of S/T road map and implementation strategy. She is the member of UNISDR STAG to present the young scientists and also the focal point of UN Major Group of Child and Youth. Michael Boyland presented the IRDR International Centre of Excellence of Transforming Development and Disaster Risk (IRDR ICoE TDDR).
Glenn Fernandez and Chunping Tan also participated the meeting and contributed great discussions.
IRDR together with UNISDR and other partnerships value the young generation on their incredible potentials and energies in DRR field. The young scientists are one of the top priorities for the DRR capacity building. We are looking forward to embracing more young scientists and young people from other stakeholders.