World’s biggest companies face $1 trillion in climate change risks
A group of the world’s biggest companies representing nearly $17 trillion (USD) in market capitalisation have valued their climate risk to their businesses at almost $1 trillion – with many likely to hit within the next 5 years.
Promoting women’s leadership in Disaster Risk Reduction and resilience
The need for women’s leadership and gender-responsive DRR and resilience building were at the centre of sessions held at the World Reconstruction Conference 4 and Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction.
GEO and Amazon Web Services announce Cloud Grants
The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) announced that under the Amazon Sustainability Data Initiative (ASDI), 21 projects from 17 developing countries will be awarded $1.5 million (USD) worth of cloud services, grants and technical support.
World Bank: Lifelines for Better Development
According to a new report from the World Bank and the Global Facility for Disaster Risk and Recovery, the net benefit of building more resilient infrastructure in low and middle-income countries would be $4.2 trillion.
IRDR: China GEO/LODGD provides support for New Year Flood Impact in the Solomon Islands
Responding to requests from CODATA/LODGD, China GEO activated its Disaster Response Mechanism to provide high-resolution satellite imagery in support of disaster response planning in Honiara, Solomon Islands.

UNDP: Guidelines for assessing the human impact of disasters
The overarching purpose of these guidelines is to provide improved support to governments in post-disaster recovery assessments through a coordinated approach.
OECD: Fiscal Resilience to Natural Disaster
This OECD report presents the results of a study that compared country practices in the management of the financial implications of disasters on government finances.
Sendai Framework Voluntary Commitments and Analysis Report 2019
The report provides a synthesis and an analysis of why Voluntary Commitments (VCs) are important, the characteristics of VCs and the contributions to implementing the Sendai Framework.
Risk-informed development: From Crisis to Resilience
Risk-informed development allows for development to become a vehicle to reduce risk, avoid creating risks and build resilience, says the UNDP.
CODATA – Deadline extension for posters and presentation
Proposals for presentations for CODATA 2019 Beijing have been extended to July 8th.

CODATA 2019 Beijing – Towards next-generation data-driven science: policies, practices and platforms – 19-20 September
The conference provides a significant opportunity to survey and examine developments in research infrastructures to assist with data management, stewardship and analysis.
44th Annual Natural Hazards research and applications workshop – 14th-17th July
Held in Broomfield, Colorado, this year’s theme will be organised around the theme of Convergence: Coming Together to Improve Hazards and Disaster Research, Practice and Policy.
The 2nd International Conference on Resilient and Responsible Architecture and Urbanism – 5th – 7th November
Organised by the IEREK, the Malaysian based conference will discuss efficient resources in urban areas, resilient infrastructure, energy and environment, and resilience in human scale to form resilient cities.
WMO: Women, Leadership and Communication in Meteorology and Hydrology workshop – 5th Pacific Meteorological Council
Apia, Samoa will be home to the workshop from 2nd – 6th August.
2019 Advanced Institute – Training Course on Landslide Investigations and Hazards Mitigation
Taking place from 20th-25th July in Hanoi, Vietnam, the training course is comprised of a series of comprehensive lectures, practices and field trips.