Technical Working Group on Sendai Hazard definitions and classification to be launched
The new working group co-facilitated by the UNDRR and ISC is tasked with developing new hazard definitions and classifications and seeks input from stakeholders to ensure the list is robust and reflects the full spectrum of local and regional terminology.
The most “unsexy” data could hold the most promise
Administrative data, the routine data collected by governments and service providers, isn’t the most “appealing” data but how can we make better use of it?
Preview of new report on modern statistical systems
SDSN TReNDS is releasing a new report on how to build modern statistical systems in support of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Sendai Framework, and other initiatives in support of sustainable development. Read a sneak preview in advance of the report launch (September 2019).
Bristol, UK publishes Voluntary Local Review
According Bristol is the first UK city to release a Voluntary Local Review, a report aligning city-level progress on sustainable development with the Sustainable Development Goals and other frameworks. It includes some assessments on natural disaster impacts and resilience
High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable development: Inclusion, Empowerment and Equality is integral, says UN Chief
The world’s people are demanding “transformative change that is fair and sustainable”, says UN Secretary General António Gutteres.
Sustainable Data will falter without Data
Unless governments establish competent monitoring systems, the world will not reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals, says Jessica Espey.

Executive Summary, Counting on the World to Act (2019)
Counting on the World to Act details the sea change needed in modern statistical systems in order to support the world’s greatest needs. Get a sneak preview of the upcoming report in this executive summary.
The World Bank – The Chronology of a Disaster: A review and assessment of the value of acting early on household welfare
When shocks strike they have an immediate and direct impact on life, income, and assets. This review does not aim to quantify these losses but rather to quantify the welfare gain to households of intervening early to replace lost income and assets.
2019 UNDRR Global Assessment Report
The Published biennially, the UN Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR) is the flagship report of the United Nations on worldwide efforts to reduce disaster risk.
Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 2019: Proceedings
This document summarises the proceedings of the sixth session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GP2019), which took place in Geneva from 13 to 17 May 2019.
No Broken Link – The Vulnerability of Telecommunication Infrastructure to Natural Hazards
The internet and other information and communication technologies (ICTs) are changing the way individuals, businesses and governments operate. Their resilience to natural disasters, and their ability to recover in the aftermath is thus critical to the resilience of the economy.

CODATA 2019 Beijing – Towards next-generation data-driven science: policies, practices and platforms – 19-20 September
The conference provides a significant opportunity to survey and examine developments in research infrastructures to assist with data management, stewardship and analysis.
Australian Disaster Resilience Conference 2019 – 28th – 29th August (Melbourne)
The 2019 Australian Disaster Resilience Conference will consider what it takes to be future-ready. Recognising the importance of being prepared for the unexpected, how can we address pressing issues and be confident that we are future-ready when it comes to disasters?
ICSD 2019 : 7th International Conference on Sustainable Development, 4 – 5 September 2019 (Rome, Italy)
The 2019 Conference will once again provide a forum for the sharing of ideas, presentation of research findings, and discussion of professional issues relevant to Sustainability Science..
Flood Expo 2019 – 11th-12th September (Birmingham, England)
The Flood Expo is the world’s largest exhibition and conference designed to help the most progressive flood professionals and property owners discover the latest innovative products, services and strategies that transform the way flooding is predicted, prevented, and managed.