BEIJING—The inauguration ceremony for the IRDR International Programme Office (IRDR IPO) was held in Beijing on November 18, 2010. IRDR-IPO will be a platform for disaster risk researchers to participate in international programs and function as an impetus for closer integration and communication between research institutions and governments, according to Deliang Chen, Executive Director of …
Category: News
BEIJING—The Fourth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk Programme took place November 15-17 in Beijing. The meeting was held to discuss the progress of the programme and lay out future plans. The Scientific Committee is comprised of globally-distinguished researchers and scientists who provide guidance to the IRDR Programme, an …
BEIJING—A Letter of Cooperation to establish the International Programme Office of the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) Programme has been signed by the programme’s sponsors and Chinese counterparts. The IRDR co-sponsors—the International Council for Science (ICSU), the International Social Science Council (ISSC) and the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)—signed the agreement …
BEIJING—The inaugural meeting of the Chinese National Committee for Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR-China) was held in Beijing on October 8, 2010. IRDR-China is committed to promoting a high level of international exchange and cooperation, making full use of international scientific and technological resources, and enhancing the level of disaster prevention and mitigation. The …