DATA has identified the following research priorities to accomplish the above objectives:
- An annotated bibliography: To begin the process, a small team will be coordinated to produce a bibliography on the present state of knowledge on methodologies for measuring economic impacts specifically, and disaster impact assessment more broadly.
- A framework for peril classification: Existing peril hazard terminology and hierarchy established by the following worldwide databases on disaster impacts will be evaluated: EMDAT (CRED/University of Louvain), DesInventar (LaRed/UNDP/UNISDR), NatCatSERVICE (Munich Re), Sigma (Swiss Re), and the GLIDEnumber database (ADRC/CRED/Reliefweb/LaRed). The required modifications to these databases will be presented in an overall framework for peril classification for use by major data compilers.
- A requirements document for an enhanced GLIDEnumber database:DATA has also taken into consideration the current limitations of the GLIDEnumber database, which attaches a unique identifier number for a disaster to facilitate linkages between records in diverse disaster databases. However, there are issues concerning its unique identifier numbering system, and whether GLIDE should be a database, an informational source or just a cataloguing system. DATA has some ideas on how to improve the GLIDEnumber database and how it could serve as a platform for linking other data on specific disasters.
- Assess methodologies for human and economic impacts:There are inconsistencies in how human impact is measured, and some new opportunities for assessing the number of people affected by disasters. DATA will explore these in more detail and develop an action-oriented agenda on measurements for both human impact and economic loss assessment methodologies.