Action Plan 2018-2020

  Action Description Deliverables Lead Group Outcomes & Impact Timeframe
Improve Governance of IRDR 1 The Coordination Group meeting An annual meeting of the Coordination Group Strategic decisions and recommendations to IRDR SC and IPO ISC Secretariat Improved programme development policy and coherence & communication among co-sponsors, SC and IPO 2019-2020
2 Annual donor reporting Preparation of a comprehensive report of IRDR to the donors and co-sponsors on programme implementation Annual report IPO Transparency and annual review of accountability vs IRDR goals and objectives 2018-2020
Expand the IRDR Network and Scientific Outputs 3


Contributing toward the improvement of coherence between SFDRR, SDGs and the Paris Agreement Mainstreaming relevant SDGs and climate targets related to DRR in IRDR WGs, NCs, ICoEs and Young Scientists IRDR key programme components and their products with clear indications to SDGs and climate targets SC, IPO IRDR showcases the interconnection of SFDRR priorities and the targets with SDG targets and other UN frameworks on SD 2018-2020
4 Partnership development with G-STAG and Global ST partnership Making joint effort with G-STAG and regional STAGs and be active in Global ST partnership in promoting integrated DRR research. IRDR contribution at G-STAG, reginal STAG and Global ST partnership meetings SC, IPO in cooperation with STAG IRDR recognized as one of main driving forces in global STI mobilization for SFDRR 2018-2029
5 Working Groups research plan

Recompose the DATA, FORIN, AIRDR and RIA working groups by incorporating previous SC Members, ICoEs, NCs, IRDR Young Scientists and stakeholders from broader DRR community

– Revising working groups and define activities

– Including the previous SC members

– Organising a working session/workshop to take stock and reprioritize/align Integrated Research and WG´s task around SFDRR and SDG.

– Capacity Building

– Promoting Integrated research approach

Specific Research Plans of WG and enhanced research teams.

A number of working papers from WGs and other IRDR components

ICoE joint technical workshop/conference

WG Chairs/co-Chairs,


Enhanced WG outcomes

Linkage and cooperation among SC, WG, ICOE´s, NC´s, Young Scientist and ISC Regional Offices and UNISDR Offices improved.

6 WGs on SFDRR, CCA and SDG´s Creation of a New Working Group to align IRDR research and overall IRDR work to SFDRR, CCA and SDG´s WG reports Working group chairs and co-chairs IRDR position vs global climate change synergized 2018-2020
7 New case studies on Integrated Research on Disaster Risk Develop case studies with reinforced WG´s on Integrated Research for DR, Policy and Practice. Case Studies developed by region WG´s, ICOE´s, NC´s, Young Sc Capacity building and IRDR network strengthened 2019-2020
8 Continuation of Young Scientists Programme Recruitment of young scientists through workshops and training activities New Young Scientists members IPO, SC

Working Groups

START partner 2018-2020
9 Expansion of IRDR base of experts by appointing “Associate Members” (name will be changed with prior agreed TOR by the co-sponsors) Exemplary individuals in integrated DRR research and previous SC members List of proposed new members. IPO Reinforce IRDR Working Groups

Support for capacity building

10 Support and partnership with IRDR associated projects Three specific approved projects (DBAR DRR WG, SiDRR, NZ)


DRR databases, models, training packages and reports IPO with specific project leaders Concrete cases and products in support of IRDR mission and objectives. 2017 onward
11 Support for ST Roadmap


Specific contributions to Expected Outcomes Understanding Disaster Risk (1,2; 1.4); and Strengthening Disaster Risk Governance to Manage Disaster Risk (2.1); among others through different WG´s SC, WGs, ICoEs, NCs Use of ST, in particular integrated research approaches, in DRR related governance improved. 2018 onwards
12 Periodic synthesis case study.  A selected team of authors to produce a short report as an exemplar of Tokyo statement outcome Conduct a synthesis of state of knowledge on SFDRR priorities targeting 2019 Global Platform Reports of the case study ISC, IPO, Risk-KAN Development Team A joint IRDR contribution toward 2019 Global Platform. 2018-2019


Support selected national DRR platforms as exemplars Co-develop with UNISDR guidelines to enhance national DRR platforms in selected countries. Initial 2020 rolled out to several by 2030 IPO with UNISDR and its regional offices Pilot examples for the development of national DRR platforms. 2018-2020
14 Contributing to ISC’s leading role in the S&T Major Group for the 2019 Global Platform Lead and organize specific events and dialogues within S&T Major Group at 2019 Global Platform Suggestions and recommendations of the S&T MG events ISC, IPO, SC and some ICoEs Advancement of S&T contributions in the implementation of SFDRR 2018-2019
15 A specific task on operationalization of SFDRR indicators A co-implemented task on indicators A consolidated proposal on SFDRR indicators DATA Group Contribution to SFDRR 2018 -2019
16 Contribute actively toward the development of Risk-KAN Working with WCRP, Future Earth and other partners to develop a Knowledge Action Network Risk-KAN become operational. ICSU, ED, IPO, SC members Improved ST action networks for SFDRR 2018-2020
17 Regional DRR Events in all regions IRDR contributing through SC members, NCs and ICoEs to DRR regional meetings and events on DRR & SDGs Participation and technical advice. SC, NCs and ICoEs in liaison with ISC and UNISDR regional offices; IPO to report IRDR Promotion and Visibility of the Program 2018-2020


Co-organize Scientific Form on Landslides Work with ICL to organize Tokyo WLF5 in Kyoto Specific papers and publications on landslide related risks. ICL, SC, IPO Specific contribution of IRDR toward Sendai Partnership (on landslides) 2020
Improve the visibility of IRDR 19 Communication and outreach Implementation of IRDR communication strategy approved at 18th session of SC meeting Operation in major social media, web and wikipedia IPO Enhanced IRDR communication and public understanding 2018-2020
20 Special IRDR Journal Issue Specific topic, tentative 1 Publication SC IRDR Legacy 2018-2019
21 An IRDR Handbook A stock taking handbook of science on Integrated Research on DRR 1 Publication SC and Working Group IRDR Legacy 2018-2020
22 Scientific/Policy Output 2020 per IRDR WG Short publication for decision makers on policy and practice 1 short Publication


Working Groups


IRDR legacy 2018-2020