IRDR Host RADI welcomes delegation from International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)

The Director-General of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), David Molden, led a five-member delegation which was received by RADI Director-General Prof. GUO Huadong on 23 June 2014. In his welcome note Prof. GUO emphasised potential fields of cooperation, while RADI researcher Prof. WANG Changlin gave an overview over RADI’s scientific research, big scientific facilities and international cooperation. Dr. Molden briefly introduced ICIMOD’s development objectives and strategic framework as well as research directions.

The two sides discussed how to strengthen remote sensing monitoring data sharing about the Himalayas and to deepen cooperation as well as other related issues. Both sides agreed that the cooperation has a good foundation and great potential, and that it can be a helpful mechanism for promoting neighbouring developing countries’ collaborative research on the Himalayas region.


ICIMOD is a regional intergovernmental organization and has eight member countries including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, India, Nepal, and Pakistan. It aims to develop an economically and environmentally sound mountain ecosystem to improve the living standards of mountain populations. Since its establishment in 1983, it has organized multiple cooperative projects in collaboration with China.

The temple town of Kedarnath in Uttarakhand, and the surrounding valley have been severely damaged and submerged in mud and slush after unprecedented flash floods hit India in 2013.  ICIMOD, in partnership with the World Meteorological Organization and partner countries from Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Nepal, and Pakistan, is working to establish a regional flood information system. Twenty-four hydrometeorological stations have been installed to share real time data to strengthen flood forecasting in the four countries.  (Image: Climate Himalaya)

Following up on this visit, the incoming IRDR Executive Director expressed his hope that collaboration with ICIMOD, through the intermediary of RADI and IRDR China and their scientific activities and programmes, will help advance IRDR’s vision of integrated research into disaster risk reduction also in the context of this existing International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development.