IRDR France holds workshop on risks in the digital age

AFPCN (Scientific Council, Association Française Pour la Prevention des Catastrophes Naturelles (AFPCN)) functions as the IRDR National Committee for France. The AFPCN Working Group Social Networks, New Technologies and Risks, led by Rémy Bossu, secretary general of CSEM at the French Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives, and Valérie November, Director of research at École nationale des ponts et chaussée (ENPC) will organise on 23 January a workshop Risks in the Digital Age: What are the Changes in Managing Risks?.

The workshop will explore questions such as how to utilize new technologies and social networks at the different stages of risk management, such as prevention, communication, crisis management, recovery, while considering all the inherent dangers linked to the digital formats of communication. The objective of the meeting is to propose some concrete examples of such uses made, and for speakers and participants to interact on possible problems related to these developments. Formats discussed include tools such as OpenStreetMap, InfoClimat, Visov etc. Comparisons will also be drawn between developments in France and in the UK, for example during the recent flooding episodes.

Details of the programme