In preparation for the 3rd World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR), the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) is calling for the submission of good practices which highlight successful implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action and serve as evidence to support recommendations made for the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction.
The five HFA priorities include: National and local priority, Risk assessment, Knowledge and education, Vulnerability reduction and Disaster preparedness. Case studies could include successful action at community, city, national, regional or global level as well as examples from various stake-holder groups, such as regional, national, or local government; nongovernmental entities; academia; the private sector; inter-governmental organizations; UN agencies; and community groups.
Practices or cases can range from implementation at any level (community, city, national, regional or global), or implemented by any stakeholder (national or local governments, non-governmental entities, universities, private sector, intergovernmental organizations or community groups).
Selected practices or cases will be highlighted before and during the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction. Good practices or cases can be submitted in English, French, Spanish or Arabic to latest by 31 January 2015. Please refer to the format in this link.
Relevant links:
• UN Secretary-General marks 10th Anniversary of Hyogo Framework for Action
• Margareta Wahlstrom on the10th Anniversary of Hyogo Framework for Action
• General news on the new framework talks on Thomson Reuters
• Thousands of people saved thanks to better early warning systems
Source: UNISDR