Call for Nominations: IRDR Science Committee (SC) members


The IRDR – Integrated Research on Disaster Risk – is a ten-year-programme, co-sponsored by the International Council for Science (ICSU), the International Social Science Council (ISSC) and the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR). It seeks to advance and promote new approaches to disaster risk reduction science. IRDR has also been critical in the preparations for the recently concluded 3rd UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, which produced the first major intergovernmental agreement for the post-2015 agenda.

The IRDR programme is governed by a 15-Member Scientific Committee (SC) appointed jointly by the co-sponsoring organisations. The SC is composed of experts from around the world working in the field of disaster and risk reduction. Members are chosen on the basis of their scientific specialty in a way that ensures an acceptable geographical and demographical balance within the SC. The IRDR SC represents a broad spectrum of disciplines in the natural, social and engineering sciences, as well as diverse professional backgrounds and nationalities.

IRDR’s co-sponsors are now inviting nominations for new members of the programme’s Science Committee (SC). New SC members will be appointed jointly by the co-sponsoring organisations. The field of research and other activities of nominated candidates should be closely related to the challenges of natural and human-induced hazards and related risks. SC members should also be able to mobilize existing research networks, stimulate the growth of new research alliances, and be committed to champion integrated approaches to research in their respective geographic and disciplinary domains.

For these nominations, expertise from all areas of disaster risk reduction research and associated fields will be welcome. We expect nominations to also include agronomists / food security experts, atmospheric sciences, economists, health experts / epidemiologists, psychologists, volcanologists, as well as disaster risk practitioners. Nominations of female candidates are especially encouraged.

For more information, please see:

Please send submissions to The deadline for the nominations  is on 30 June 2015.