Recent IRDR Publications featured on PreventionWeb

AIRDR imageThe AIRDR report “Guide to assessing integrated research on disaster risk” (Project Report No. 1) and a number of the four AIRDR reports are featured on the UNISDR website, PreventionWeb.

The guide provides a step-by-step procedure for conducting systematic reviews on integrated research into disaster risk. It documents the method used in risk assessments as a means for sharing and encouraging locally-based assessments using a common protocol. It explains what is currently known within the research community about the terms of capacity, technology, tools, methods, and translation, as well as what is less well-known in the research. Also discussed are where these shortcomings come from, how our existing scientific knowledge can help us to understand disaster risk under conditions where disasters may be increasing in frequency and intensity and where vulnerability and exposure heighten the impacts of disasters.

The guide was developed to facilitate a broader and more inclusive review of integrated research on disaster risk. The idea is to promote systematic reviews of local and regional research contributions in other publication outlets and in native languages that, when viewed collectively, produce a global synthesis (View full document ).

Other reports prepared by the AIRDR project include: