New Book of Prof. Rajib Shaw — Land Use Management in Disaster Risk Reduction Practice and Cases from a Global Perspective

A new book Land Use Management in Disaster Risk Reduction: Practice and Cases from a Global Perspective is published recently.  Its editors are  Michiko Banba ( Education and Research Center for Disaster Reduction, University of Hyogo Kobe , Japan ) and Rajib Shaw (Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) Beijing , China).

This book belongs to the series  Disaster Risk Reduction: Methods, Approaches and Practices  and the series editor is Prof. Rajib Shaw.

This book includes a collection of 21 case studies and practices from the perspective of land use and land use management in the context of disaster risk reduction in various countries and regions. These are from academic institutes, local governments, higher education institutes, NGOs, and the private sector, which practice land use management, or are from land use contexts in the disaster management field.

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