Call for participation: Global Congress on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction

Global Congress on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction will be organized in Bhubaneswar on 9-10th Oct 2020.  The congress aims to gather more than 500 DRR and Climate Change Professors, Researchers, Students, and Practitioner from United Nations, INGOS and most of the prestigious Universities of India and abroad.

For more information:


  • Last Date of Abstract Submission: July 30,2020
  • Last Date of Submission of Full paper: August 30,2020
  • Length of the Abstract: About 1000 words, excluding Title, Cover Page and References.
  • Margin: 2.5 c.m or one Inch.
  • Font: Time New Roman: 12 point.
  • Space: 1.5
  • Key Word: 5

Selected Paper will be Published through Elsevier Special Edition (Scopus ) Elsevier International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, ISSN: 2212-4209 IJDRR941