The International Journal of Disaster Risk Science is an interdisciplinary English language journal that publishes research articles addressing theoretical and methodological issues in disaster science, emergency response technology, disaster risk management, and large-scale disaster risk governance. Its primary aim is to create an exchange platform for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers in the field of disaster and risk to communicate, learn, and progress in order to improve the international, national, and regional capacities for disaster risk analysis, management, and governance.
Peijun Shi, Beijing Normal University, China
Carlo Jaeger, Global Climate Forum, GermanyThe International Journal of Disaster Risk Science is a peer-reviewed open access journal. It is jointly published by Beijing Normal University Publishing Group and Springer. The editorial office is at the Academy of Disaster Reduction and Emergency Management of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and Ministry of Education at Beijing Normal University, China.
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Editorial OfficeInternational Journal of Disaster Risk Science, Beijing Normal University
19 Xinjiekouwai Street, Haidian District, Beijing 100875, China
Tel: +86-10-58808661
Fax: +86-10-58808661
ISSN: 2095-0055 print
ISSN: 2192-6395 electronic
CN: 11-5970/N