
The Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (HFA II)

The Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 has provided critical guidance to reduce disaster risk and strengthen cooperation across stakeholders at local, national, regional and global levels. However, its implementation has also highlighted gaps in the formulation of goals and priorities for actions. This has brought the need for a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction (Hyogo Framework for Action II/HFA II) to update and reorder the strategic goals and priorities, give respective visibility to all levels, and to place emphasis on stakeholders and their role in advancing the priorities.

For more information about the development of the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction click here.

IRDR has been integrally involved in the consultations towards the development of a post-2015 disaster risk reduction framework. ICSU, one of IRDR’s three Co-Sponsors, is acting as the Organizing Partner for the Scientific and Technological Community Major Group for the Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR). Additionally, IRDR also led the Scientific and Technological Community Major Group on behalf of ICSU at PrepCom1, 14-15 July 2014, and has been part of the Major Group discussions ever since. See key outcomes for Science and Technology Major Group at the PrepComI.

For the Science and Technology (S&T) Community Major Group (STMG) statement, read to the Prepcom I plenary session of Member States, click here. The Major Group also contributed to the technical sessions and workshops.

The non-paper on “How the science and technology community can be strengthened for implementation of the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction,” to be submitted by the S&T Major Group at the 2nd PrepCom to member states and stakeholders provides a response to the call from member states and stakeholders for a better mobilisation of science to support disaster risk reduction. The non-paper is a proposal from the S&T community on how to take this forward.

The Science and Technology (S&T) Community Major Group (STMG) statement at Prepcom 2 from 17-18 November 2014 is also found here.

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