FORIN Events


  • 10-12 November 2014 (Paris, France): Advancing the FORIN Perspective and Methodology: The Next Generation.

This International Seminar was the follow-up to the International Workshop on FORIN Associated with Landslides, held from 24 June to 5 July 2013.


  • 15 November (Sanya, China): FORIN session at the International Workshop on Disaster Risk and Mitigation hosted by IRDR China.
  • 7-9 October (Las Vegas, USA): Presentation given by SC member, Djillali Benouar, at the 2nd International Conference on Forensic Research and Technology. The presentation is titled “Forensic Disaster Investigations (FORIN), a new approach to learn lessons from disasters: A case study of the 2001 Algiers (Algeria) flood and debris flow.”
  • 21-23 August (Kunming, Yunnan Province, China): Presentation given on FORIN by SC member and FORIN project co-chair, Anthony Oliver-Smith, at the International Conference on Anthropological Studies on Hazards and Disasters.


  • 8-11 March (California, USA): FORIN Seminar held at first IUGG GRC Conference on “Extreme Natural Hazards and Their Impacts”



  • 22-23 October 2010 (Geneva, Switzerland):  Second meeting of the ad hoc working group to continue developing the FORIN approach and preparations for implementation. A report on this meeting was presented to the Scientific Committee (SC) at its fourth meeting held in Beijing, China from 15-17 November 2010.
  • 1-4 February (Toronto, Canada): First meeting of the ad hoc working group on the development of case studies – the eventual FORIN methodology – as one of the initial steps in the development of the IRDR programme. A report on this meeting was presented to the Scientific Committee (SC) at its third meeting held in Paris, Italy from 14-16 April 2010.

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